#UAE condemns storming of #AlAqsa mosque courtyard by Israeli minister and settlers

 The recent entry of an Israeli minister and settlers into the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyard, which took place under the cover of Israeli security forces, has been denounced by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a statement in which it restated the nation's unwavering position that Al-Aqsa Mosque must be fully protected and that any ongoing abuses at the site must end.

The Ministry stressed the significance of honoring historical accords and international law's recognition of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan's custodial authority over the holy sites in Jerusalem. It also emphasized how important it is to preserve the power of the Jerusalem Endowment Administration, which oversees Al-Aqsa Mosque's operations.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) declared that it fully supports Jordan's efforts to protect and maintain Jerusalem's holy sites. The Ministry urged Israeli authorities to stop taking any measures that would heighten hostilities and fuel instability in the area. It restated the UAE's opposition to actions that contravene international agreements and might trigger an even greater escalation.

In addition, the UAE called on the international community to step up its efforts to establish a political route for bringing about a comprehensive peace. In line with international law, the statement emphasized the significance of a two-state solution, which would satisfy the Palestinian people's desire to create an independent and sovereign state.

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