Who are the Five Arab Countries Backing Biden’s Ceasefire Plan for Gaza


Five foreign ministers from Arab countries released a statement together after a virtual conference in which they urged mediation efforts to bring about a long-term calm in the Gaza Strip. The US, Qatar, and Egypt's attempts to guarantee a continuous supply of humanitarian aid into Gaza, free hostages and detainees, and establish a complete ceasefire were the main points of discussion.

Operations for Relief and Ceasefire

The necessity of achieving a long-term truce in the Gaza Strip was emphasized in the joint statement. It emphasized how important Egypt, Qatar, and the US are to mediating cease-fire negotiations. The ministers emphasized that regaining trust and bringing about peace depend on the release of hostages and prisoners held by both sides. They also underlined how vital it is to let aid workers and supplies into Gaza as quickly as possible in order to assist its citizens.

The Proposal for Israeli Withdrawal

The immediate departure of all Israeli forces stationed in the Gaza Strip was one of the joint statement's main demands. The foreign ministers urged the world community to back this goal of bringing about enduring peace in the area. They also suggested a thorough reconstruction effort and emphasized the urgency of beginning Gaza's rehabilitation process, which has been seriously damaged by the ongoing fighting.

The Calm Architecture

In a joint statement, the five Arab countries reaffirmed their support for the two-state solution as the cornerstone for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian problem and called for an independent Palestinian state to live in peaceful coexistence with Israel.

They demanded more actions to bring this about, such as the reconstruction of Gaza, in order to fulfill this long-term objective.

Israeli Reaction

In response to the US president's appeal for a ceasefire, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that the plan was lacking. He underlined that in order to stop Hamas and other extremist organizations from launching more assaults in Gaza, any peace must include safeguards for Israel's security.

Global Analysis

On Monday, the UN made public a preliminary report that described the devastation that has occurred in the Gaza Strip since the commencement of the Hamas-Israeli conflict a year ago. The assessment found that half of Gaza's buildings were either totally demolished, seriously damaged, or in danger of being destroyed.

The tremendous damage emphasizes how urgently humanitarian aid and reconstruction activities must be undertaken.

The Reaction

It is critical that the five Arab foreign ministers release a joint statement in support of an enduring truce in Gaza and an end to the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. The ministers' plan for peace and reconstruction is well-defined; it calls for the withdrawal of Israeli military forces and supports efforts at mediation. Their dedication to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian problem is seen in their support for a two-state solution. While the world watches intently, continued diplomatic communication and cooperation between all impacted parties are necessary for these efforts to be successful.

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