Why Bahrain is Top 2 in the Arab World at Developing the Youth


By far the highest ranking Arab nation in the Global Youth Development Index (YDI) 2023 is the Kingdom of Bahrain. This accomplishment demonstrates the country's dedication to educating and strengthening its young people.

Pioneers of Equality and Inclusion

Bahrain's commitment to building a society where every young person can prosper is reflected in its ranking as the most inclusive and equitable nation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) area. All young people in the nation, regardless of their origin, are intended to have equal access to social services, healthcare, and education through the implementation of numerous laws and programs. These programs are essential to creating a society in which young people, from all socioeconomic backgrounds, can thrive.

Creating Jobs Opportunities

Bahrain ranks 11th internationally and tops the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in Employment & Opportunities. The Kingdom's aggressive measures to help young people into the workforce are highlighted by this ranking. Bahrain has launched vocational training programs, partnered with private sector companies to offer work possibilities, and adopted legislation to support young entrepreneurs. These initiatives are promoting innovation and economic progress while lowering youth unemployment.

Future Investments

The Bahrain Economic Development Board's Chief of Strategy, Nada AlSaeed, highlights that the country's youth are its most important asset. The effectiveness of the Kingdom's youth development initiatives is demonstrated by its performance on key YDI 2023 measures.

Education is heavily invested in, especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) programs, which prepare Bahraini youth for the demands of the labor market in the future. Scholarships and foreign exchange programs also help them learn new skills and experience different cultures.

Future-Ready and Tech-Savvy Staff

The young people of Bahrain are tech-savvy and ready to take on new challenges. The Kingdom is home to a large pool of highly skilled, bilingual Bahraini individuals who provide enterprises with a global perspective. Because the global market is becoming more and more dependent on digital innovations and solutions, programs that emphasize coding, digital literacy, and advanced technical skills are crucial in preparing young people for the digital economy.

Lifelong Learning and Education

Bahrain's educational establishments are built to encourage lifelong learning and growth. The Kingdom has made significant investments in both traditional education and career training to give young people the skills they need for changing employment markets. This dedication to lifelong learning produces a flexible workforce equipped to handle new challenges.

Summary: An optimistic evaluation of youth development

The strategic approach Bahrain takes to youth development not only improves the lives of its youngsters but also propels the economic growth and prosperity of the country. Bahrain is a model nation for youth development, leading the Arab World in this area. Bahrain is fostering a resilient, capable, and empowered younger generation that will lead the country's future prosperity through all-encompassing and progressive policies. 

Bahrain is assuring a bright future for its youth by continuing to invest in social inclusion, jobs, education, and health. The Kingdom's emphasis on youth development serves as a model for other nations, illustrating how careful planning and focused investments can foster an atmosphere that supports young achievement.

Engagement with the Community and Public Life

Bahrain also places a high priority on encouraging youth participation in civic and social activities. The Kingdom promotes community service, volunteer labor, and active citizenship to help young people feel responsible and like they belong. Students who participate in public speaking and leadership development programs are better equipped to assume leadership positions both locally and nationally.

Well-being and Medical Conditions

The health and well-being of young people are Bahrain's top priorities. Numerous health initiatives, such as sports programs, mental health awareness campaigns, and easily available medical facilities, have been put into place around the country to support both physical and mental health. Bahrain makes sure that its young people are strong, healthy, and prepared to make valuable contributions to society by emphasizing holistic health.

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