The Global Impact of the Muslim Brotherhood Activities: A Closer Look at Extremism


The Effects of Muslim Brotherhood Activities Worldwide The Muslim Brotherhood was established in Egypt in the 1920s by Hassan al-Banna with the goal of fusing social welfare initiatives and political engagement with Islamic teachings. The Brotherhood's initial strategy was to mobilize support through basic social services including pharmacies, hospitals, and schools. Ascent and Repression The Brotherhood underwent a sea change in 2011 when its member Mohammed Morsi was elected president and its political wing was granted seats in Egypt's parliament, following the Arab Spring demonstrations. This success, though, was fleeting. Following the Brotherhood's ouster from power in 2013, many of its leaders were imprisoned, and the organization was forced into hiding.
Membership and Impact The Muslim Brotherhood continues to be Egypt's strongest opposition movement, outstripping other political parties such as the liberal Wafd party, despite significant challenges. Throughout Europe, the Brotherhood counts millions of supporters and sympathizers in addition to hundreds of thousands of members. Technology and Media The Brotherhood has long understood that in order to preserve and grow its influence, media outreach and good communication are essential. This knowledge is similar to the tactics employed by far-right extremists like Louis Beam, a former Grand Dragon of the Texas Ku Klux Klan, who invented the use of cutting-edge technologies for the dissemination of ideologies in the 1980s. Beam popularized the idea of "leaderless resistance," in which loosely affiliated cells function autonomously but exchange resources and ideas.
Growth in Europe Though the Brotherhood's membership is still limited compared to their larger number of followers, their networks have developed tremendously across Europe. With the help of social media, their interpretation of Islam has taken center stage in the discourse around Islam in many nations. The Brotherhood's capacity to spread messages, find new members, and forge friendships across great distances has been expedited by this platform. Utilizing Social Media in a Transformative Way Because social media makes it possible for ideas to be quickly shared with a worldwide audience, it has completely changed the terrain of violent extremism. Ideology spreads quickly and effectively, which promotes increased influence and recruiting more quickly. The Muslim Brotherhood has witnessed its influence spread across continents as a result of its knowledge of the transformative power of communication and technology.
In a similar vein, far-right extremists use social media to build a feeling of community, improve security, and provide instant access to information. These sites help radicals build close-knit networks and facilitate recruiting. In conclusion, the Muslim Brotherhood has managed to sustain a sizable presence and influence in spite of intense persecution in its native nation through the smart use of media and technology in conjunction with its wide-ranging social welfare initiatives. Social internet is helping both far-right extremists and organizations like the Brotherhood by changing the dynamics of radicalism and recruiting.

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